
自1917年以来, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary has prepared students to answer God’s call. NOBTS offers an academic environment that utilizes innovative delivery systems, 为我们的宝盈APP登录预备事工. 神是否呼召你作牧师, 传教士, 辅导员, 青年部长, 教育家, 崇拜领袖, 辩护者, 或者是完全不同的东西, NOBTS has a ministry training option for you. Most of all, this community will equip you to follow God wherever He leads.

  • 任务

    New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and Leavell College prepare servants to walk with Christ, 宣扬他的真理, 来完成他的使命.

  • 教义的完整性

    Believing that the Bible is the Word of God, 我们相信, 教它, 宣告它, 把我们的生命交给它. Our confessional commitments are outlined in the Articles of Religious Belief and the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.

  • 精神活力

    We are a worshiping community emphasizing both personal spirituality and gathering together as a Seminary family for the praise and adoration of God and instruction in His Word.

  • 任务的焦点

    Our Seminary does not exist merely to get an education or to give an education. We are here to change the world by fulfilling the Great Commission and the Great Commandments through the local church and its ministries.

  • 卓越的特点

    We want everything we do to be characterized by offering the utmost of our abilities and resources as a testimony to the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  • 仆人领导

    We follow the model of Jesus to exert leadership through nurturing and encouraging those around us.

  • NOBTS混合奖学金, 实用性, 可访问性, and a sense of urgency-all of which make ministry training at New Orleans unmatched. 作为一个主要的港口城市, New Orleans is home to people from across the globe, but only a small minority identify as evangelical Christians. As you train for a lifetime of ministry at NOBTS, we encourage you to get your hands dirty in a city that is in desperate need of the gospel.

  • 学术

    Our students are challenged to reach their full potential, becoming distinguished contributors to their fields.

  • 实用

    不仅仅是学者, our faculty have diverse ministry experience that adds a practical edge in the classroom.

  • 可访问的

    NOBTS is wherever you are-whether in New Orleans, at our extension centers across the Southeast, 或者完全在线.

  • 紧急的

    在他们的教室里, 城市, 和教堂, our students and faculty are fueled by the urgency of the Great Commission.

  • NOBTS is wherever you are-whether you are in New Orleans, 在一个推广中心, 或者完全在线. We understand that our students are at different places in life and may need to study in different ways. 无论你的环境如何, you can still get the theological training you need to follow God's calling in your life.

  • 主校区

    The main campus in New Orleans is on a beautiful 70 acre tree-covered site in suburban New Orleans. Main campus classes are offered in a wide variety of scheduling options throughout the week, 作为夜校和周末的选择. Short-term one week courses (academic workshops) are offered throughout the year.

  • 扩展中心

    We make the in-class experience as accessible as possible. With over twenty extension centers in the southeastern United States, NOBTS has got you covered! Students from diverse callings can earn a variety of degrees without relocating their families or leaving their ministries. Courses are offered primarily through traditional classroom settings. Go to our extension centers page to find the closest one to you at 我们的扩展主页.

  • 在线

    Online courses offer you the convenience of preparing for ministry from anywhere in the world. Online students have a variety of opportunities to interact with our professors and fellow students. 欲知详情,请浏览 我们的在线神学院主页.

  • 混合动力

    混合班每月开一次会, combining the convenience of online classes with the personal interaction of the in-class experience. Seminars, workshops, and conferences also allow you to earn credit while experiencing life at NOBTS.

  • 价值满足可承受性. We offer generous financial aid through discounts, 奖学金, 就业机会, 灵活的付款时间表, 还有各种各样的节目. We'll do our best to help you answer God's call.

  • 学费

    Undergraduate and Graduate tuition at NOBTS is significantly lower than the national average. Students from SBC churches pay around $275 per credit hour for on-campus courses. Students from non-SBC churches pay around $410 per credit hour for on-campus courses. Online students pay around $355 per credit hour.

  • 金融援助

    经济援助办公室 offers a number of 奖学金 for full-time and part-time students. We offer 奖学金 for bivocational ministers, missionaries, minorities, and many others. We accept the GI Bill as well as TOPS for 本科 studies.

  • 卡斯基教会卓越中心

    卡斯基中心 provides full tuition 奖学金 for Baptist bivocational/ small church ministers from selected states. 这些奖学金适用于证书, 本科, or master's students in any NOBTS delivery system.

  • 配偶

    Did you know that the spouses of our full-time, main campus students receive a tuition discount of one-half off?

  • 就业

    The Church Minister Relations Office is the place to start to find a ministry in the city or surrounding area. 请填写表格 在这里 把你的简历送到当地教堂.